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How Data is supercharging everything around us (Authentise Weekly News-In-Review – #127)

We are strong advocates of the power of data and the opportunities extend well beyond the industrial setting. Everything around us is being uplifted through the aggregation and analysis of data to get insights that would otherwise pass unnoticed or be difficult to grasp. And that is the key: making the data understandable and actionable. IIoT networks submerge businesses’ data centers with information and, to make it work to their advantage, new technologies like AR and VR are stepping in to make it all human-readable. Similarly, transposing medical scans into tangible, bleeding replicas for the doctors to practice on is all about bringing the data closer to the end user. In our eagerness to digitize everything we find ourselves often surprised by data we have gathered that, in hindsight, we never knew we needed. Reparations for the tragic fire at Notre Dame in Paris will be aided by 3D scans of the cathedral that were done in 2015.

Augmented reality: the new business tool driving industry 4.0

Augmented reality: the new business tool driving industry 4.0 image

How can organisations deploy augmented reality (AR) at scale, solve meaningful business problems with the technology and embrace industry 4.0, as a result, Four end-user organizations discussed these questions and their own AR journeys during a panel at LiveWorx 19. Howden […] emerged in the peak of the first industrial revolution but is now committed to embrace the fourth industrial revolution, or industry 4.0. It has done this, in one way, by looking to AR.

“AR has provided us with transformation and consistency,” said Maria Wilson PhD, global leader data driven advantage at Howden.

Read the full article at Information Age.

Prepping For Surgery With 3D-Printed Organs May Become Commonplace

Many doctors are using 3D-printed replicas of human organs to practice for complex surgeries like transplants. Technology is still expensive, but Knowable Magazine reports that as 3D printing gets cheaper, rehearsing a surgery on a 3D-printed replica of a specific patient’s organ could become the norm rather than the exception — a bizarre example of how emerging technology could make personalized medicine cheaper and safer for more patients.

Read more at Futurism.

Fortunately, There Are Incredible 3D Scans of Notre Dame

Thanks to the meticulous work of Vassar art historian Andrew Tallon, every exquisite detail and mysterious clue to [Notre Dame’s] construction was recorded in a digital archive in 2015 using laser imaging. These records have revolutionized our understanding of how the spectacular building was built — and could provide a template for how Paris could rebuild.

According to Wired, “architects now hope that Tallon’s scans may provide a map for keeping on track whatever rebuilding will have to take place.”

Keep reading here.

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