Authentise welcomes you to the Digital Design Warehouse (DDW)! Designed to streamline additive manufacturing ordering all on a single platform, DDW aims to support users to quickly and efficiently order parts to be manufactured. This article will go through the Manager View and Restricted View of the DDW.
Getting Started
As a Manager of the bureau, to access the DDW, click on Manage in your top nav bar and select Digital Design Warehouse. Navigate using the menu on the left-hand side to access the different libraries, explained below.
In contrast to the Manager View, restricted users will see Recently Added Products to the Company Library through their "Home" tab. Products added to this library have been selected by the company manager(s) to promote through public display.
On the right, a snapshot of actions will be displayed including assignments, discussions, and comments. Examples of actions assigned by other users may include reviewing a given design and responding to comments attached to a model.
Library Tiers
My Library: models an individual user has uploaded - all users have their own "My Library" and can add, edit and delete models from their own library
Company Library: models selected by the Manager for the Company's public display - only Managers can add, edit and delete models to the Company Library, whereas Restricted Users can only view and order them
Administrator Library: all models any user has uploaded to their "My Library" and in the "Company Library"; a compilation of all the models in the bureau - only available to managers
Ordering Parts
A restricted user can order a part by clicking the "Order Now" button on a modal, and entering the Order name and Quantity. They will then be taken to that order, where they can edit fields, or add line items, as they are used to doing today. This will create an order in the Manager bureau.Â
Adding Parts to the Model Library
By clicking on the "Upload Model" button, you can upload a model to your personal "My Library". A Part Number can also be added to that model, which will populate the "Part Number" field should you choose to order that part.
Only a Manager can publish models to the "Company Library". This can be done through the Owner box of the model modal, and by clicking on "Publish to Company Library". A manager can do this from anyone's "My Library" models, from their own personal "My Library", or through the "Administration Library".